Wednesday, April 14, 2021

General Deconditioning and Functional Training by Dr. Melissa Flores PT, DPT


General Deconditioning and Functional Training by Dr. Melissa Flores PT, DPT

Deconditioning is defined as multiple, potentially reversible changes in body systems brought about by physical inactivity and disuse. These changes include:

-a reduction in muscle strength and bulk
-reduced oxygen uptake
-decline in balance
-decline in the hearts ability to pump blood throughout the body

The changes that occur with deconditioning are due to a combination of age-related changes, disease, and disuse. Unfortunately, these changes can result in a loss of independence during daily activities, increased fall risk and occurrence of fractures, and loss of energy. Prolonged episodes of bed/chair rest caused by acute illness can dramatically increase these changes.

At Dynamic Physical Therapy, we will do an evaluation and develop and individualized plan to address poor flexibility, weakness and balance limitations impacting your ability to perform daily activities. Numerous studies have discovered that physical therapy, including a personalized strength and balance program, can have beneficial effects on muscle strength, endurance, balance, walking speed, and overall functional abilities. This can help to reduce fall risk and preserve functional independence.

Call 760-501-6655 to get started with Dr. Melissa Flores.

Or fill out an appointment request:

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