Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Low back pain - how Physical Therapy can help! By Dr. Zainab Kothari PT, DPT, MS


Low back pain - how Physical Therapy can help! By Dr. Zainab Kothari PT, DPT, MS

Low back pain is associated with a great deal of physical and emotional turmoil affecting people’s personal, professional and social lives. The total cost associated with low back pain in the US every year accounts to about $100 billion which is a huge burden on our medical system and economy.

Out of 100 patients suffering with low back pain, only 20 are referred to Physical Therapy. The timing of referral is also variable. There is evidence that supports early referral (within 3 days of onset) of low back pain can improve outcomes and reduce recurrences. It not only reduces health care utilization costs but also prevents patients from developing chronic and persistent low back pain in the long run.

Medicare and other insurance beneficiaries have direct access to Physical Therapy. If you have been dealing with low back pain, you do not have to wait to see a physician in order to get referred to a physical therapist. Simple exercises, and guidance and education about the condition provided by your physical therapist can help you return to your normal lifestyle.

Dr. Zainab Kothari is a physical therapist that treats low back pain at Dynamic PT in Palm Desert, CA. Call 760-501-6655 to get started with her or fill out an appointment request here:

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