Monday, July 26, 2021

Frozen Shoulder by Dr. Zainab Kothari PT, DPT, MS


Frozen shoulder, also known as Adhesive Capsulitis, is a condition in which the shoulder becomes stiff and painful. This condition may develop after a minor injury, but a lot of times it appears without any cause. It is commonly seen in people between the ages of 40-65 years, in females, and can be linked to health problems such as diabetes and thyroid issues.

Frozen shoulder is characterized by progressive increases in pain and limitations in shoulder movements that can limit a person’s ability to perform simple daily tasks including reaching, carrying, showering, sleeping, etc. Individuals who have frozen shoulder on one side are at a risk of developing it on the other side. Both shoulders can get affected at the same time 14% of the time. The condition can last anywhere from 1-2 years and some minor deficits in motion may persist beyond two years due to fibrosis of the shoulder capsule and ligaments.

If you are experiencing any of the above mentioned signs/symptoms, we can develop a treatment plan for you based on your impairments. An individualized treatment plan can help with symptom management and potentially faster recovery of your shoulder motion and function.

Call 760-501-6655 to schedule an appointment or request an appointment here:

Dynamic Physical Therapy is an outpatient orthopedic PT facility in Palm Desert, CA serving the communities of Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, Palm Springs, La Quinta, Indian Wells, Bermuda Dunes, Indio, Coachella, and Desert Hot Springs.

Physical Therapy and Low Back Pain

PT is a cost-effective alternative for treating low back pain.

For Medicare patients who received physical therapy treatment first before any other treatment type, total healthcare spending was 19% lower than patients who received injections first and 75% lower than patients who underwent surgery first. Costs for patients who received physical therapy within 15 days of initial diagnosis were 27% lower than patients who received physical therapy 45-90 days after diagnosis. Getting to physical therapy first and quickly after injury will help save time and money with recovery. Medicare beneficiaries and some PPO insurances have direct access to physical therapy. If you have been dealing with low back pain, you do not have to wait to see a physician in order to get referred to a physical therapist. Your therapist will come up with an individualized treatment plan specific to your needs and get you back to your desired activities. Call 760-501-6655 to schedule an appointment or request an appointment here:

Dynamic Physical Therapy is an outpatient orthopedic PT facility in Palm Desert, CA serving the communities of Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, Palm Springs, La Quinta, Indian Wells, Bermuda Dunes, Indio, Coachella, and Desert Hot Springs.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Physical Therapy for Positional Vertigo


Have you been feeling dizzy with head movements?

Does the room spin when you turn over or get in/out of bed?

Does bending over or looking up make you dizzy?

You may be experiencing something called Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, or BPPV. BPPV is a disorder of the vestibular system where crystals in the inner ear break free from their intended location, get into the semicircular canals, and cause an increase in sensitivity to head movement/position changes.

BPPV often occurs spontaneously, but it can also occur following a fall, car accident, or other head trauma. This type of dizziness can be very debilitating. However, BPPV is very treatable and we provide that treatment at Dynamic Physical Therapy! Symptoms can typically be diminished in 1-2 visits.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and would like a Physical Therapist to evaluate  and determine appropriate treatment for you, please call Dynamic Physical Therapy at (760) 501-6655 or request an appointment here:

Dynamic Physical Therapy is an outpatient orthopedic PT facility in Palm Desert, CA serving the communities of Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, Palm Springs, La Quinta, Indian Wells, Bermuda Dunes, Indio, Coachella, and Desert Hot Springs.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Core Stabilization: How Physical Therapy Can Help


Core Stabilization: How Physical Therapy Can Help
By Dr. Melissa Flores PT, DPT

Core stabilization is defined as the ability to maintain control of the spine and pelvis during movement without compensations. There are several muscle groups involved in core stabilization including the abdominals, glutes, and back muscles. Several studies have shown that during back injury or pain, changes in activation of the core muscles can occur. 

There are several benefits of learning core stabilization including:

-Minimizing risk of injury

-Reducing pain

-Improving function and strength

-Improving posture and mobility

In physical therapy the patient will be taught to properly activate these groups and instructed in how to use these groups together to stabilize the spine and pelvis during functional movements specific to their goals.

Melissa Flores is a physical therapist for Dynamic PT in Palm Desert, CA.  Please call 760-501-6655 or fill out an appointment request here:

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome- What is it and how to treat it?

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome- What is it and how to treat it?

By Dr. Zainab Kothari PT, DPT, MS

Patellofemoral pain (PFP) is a condition characterized by pain of unknown origin that is located anterior, behind, or around the patella (knee cap). Onset of symptoms can be slow or acute with worsening caused by following activities- ascending/descending stairs, squatting, jumping, running (especially hills), prolonged sitting. 

BMI, knee structure, and foot posture have been blamed in the past as risk factors for development of PFP, but no conclusive evidence supporting those claims is found in literature. PFP is more commonly noted in female adolescents, but adults can also develop this condition. Hip and knee muscle weakness and a decrease in force production by those muscle groups are commonly noted in this population. Occasionally, abnormal knee mechanics and gait pattern can also contribute to the symptoms. People who have high pain levels for longer duration and ones who are asked to rest and avoid aggravating activities completely tend to have poorer outcomes. Orthoses and braces do not help in resolution of the condition in the long run. If needed, they should not be worn for >6 weeks. 

So, what is a more appropriate course of action? Follow up with your local Physical Therapist (PT) who can evaluate and establish your baseline function and guide you with an individualized exercise program focusing on improving hip and knee strength, improving movement coordination, and improving gait if applicable to help you resume your previous function. Your PT can educate you on safe activities and still keep you moving in the short term with minimal to no pain.

Call 760-501-6655 to get start with Dr. Zainab Kothari. Or request an appointment here:

Dynamic Physical Therapy is an outpatient orthopedic PT clinic located in Palm Desert, CA serving the cities of Palm Desert, Indian Wells, Bermuda Dunes, La Quinta, Indio, Coachella, Rancho Mirage, and Palm Springs.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Shoulder Impingement and How Physical Therapy Can Help by Dr. Zainab Kothari PT, DPT, MS

Shoulder Impingement and How Physical Therapy Can Help 

by Dr. Zainab Kothari PT, DPT, MS

Traditionally, patients with shoulder pain who had symptoms associated with reaching overhead, to the side, and behind their backs were told that their rotator cuff tendon / tendons are getting “pinched” due to reduce space in their joints resulting in their symptoms. How can we know for certain that a particular movement is “pinching or damaging” a tendon from clinical examination without undergoing specialized imaging while the shoulder joint is moving? MRIs and X-rays do not do a good job of telling us why a person has pain with movement. 

However, we do know that shoulder impingement can easily be addressed and treated by your Physical Therapist. Many believe that a small sub acromial space in their shoulder joint causes rotator cuff damage, pain, and weakness. A lot of studies have proven that the size of this space is not any different in those with or without pain. Instead, the size of this space is an indication of the health of the rotator cuff. It was noted by Scmidt et al (2021) that the stronger and healthier your rotator cuff is, the larger and bigger the sub acromial space is. As Physical Therapists, we can help patients work on improving the strength of their rotator cuff which can eventually help increase the sub acromial space and improve shoulder movement, mechanics, and function.

Call 760-501-6655 to schedule a PT evaluation or fill out an appointment request:

Dynamic Physical Therapy is an outpatient orthopedic clinic in Palm Desert, CA serving the Coachella Valley and cities of Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, Cathedral City, Palm Springs, Indian Wells, La Quinta, Bermuda Dunes, and Indio.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Balance Training and Fall Prevention Program at Dynamic Physical Therapy


Balance Training and Fall Prevention Program at Dynamic Physical Therapy

-One out of three older people fall each year, but less than half tell their doctor. One out of five falls cause a serious injury such as broken bones or a head injury.

-Each year, 2.5 million older people are treated in emergency departments for fall injuries.

-Each year, over 700,000 patients are hospitalized because of a fall injury, most often because of a head injury or hip fracture.

-Each year, at least 250,000 older people are hospitalized for hip fractures. More than 95% of hip fractures are caused by falling, usually by falling sideways.

-Falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBI).

However, falls aren't something that just happen when you age. There are proven ways to reduce falls.

Risk factors that make you more likely to fall: weakness, difficulties with walking and balance, certain medications, surgery, deconditioning, vision problems, foot pain or poor footwear, home hazards, vestibular issues, flexibility, and difficulty with obstacles in the community.

Our balance and fall prevention program includes a full assessment that will allow your physical therapist to develop an individualized program that is specific to your needs. Your PT will work with you 1-on-1 to progress your abilities and achieve your goals.

Our Biodex Balance System allows us to numerically track your progress as well as train your most deficient areas of balance and stability. Other components of your session will include: obstacle negotiation, gait training, strength, flexibility, and variable surface training.

Balance training isn't just for older adults. We also offer higher level sport performance strength and balance assessments.

Or call 760-501-6655 to get started with a physical therapist today working on your balance and prevent falls!

Dynamic Physical Therapy is an outpatient orthopedic group in Palm Desert, CA serving  the Coachella Valley and cities of Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, Cathedral City, Palm Springs, Indian Wells, La Quinta, Bermuda Dunes, and Indio.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

General Deconditioning and Functional Training by Dr. Melissa Flores PT, DPT


General Deconditioning and Functional Training by Dr. Melissa Flores PT, DPT

Deconditioning is defined as multiple, potentially reversible changes in body systems brought about by physical inactivity and disuse. These changes include:

-a reduction in muscle strength and bulk
-reduced oxygen uptake
-decline in balance
-decline in the hearts ability to pump blood throughout the body

The changes that occur with deconditioning are due to a combination of age-related changes, disease, and disuse. Unfortunately, these changes can result in a loss of independence during daily activities, increased fall risk and occurrence of fractures, and loss of energy. Prolonged episodes of bed/chair rest caused by acute illness can dramatically increase these changes.

At Dynamic Physical Therapy, we will do an evaluation and develop and individualized plan to address poor flexibility, weakness and balance limitations impacting your ability to perform daily activities. Numerous studies have discovered that physical therapy, including a personalized strength and balance program, can have beneficial effects on muscle strength, endurance, balance, walking speed, and overall functional abilities. This can help to reduce fall risk and preserve functional independence.

Call 760-501-6655 to get started with Dr. Melissa Flores.

Or fill out an appointment request:

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Golf Biomechanics and Physical Therapy for Golf Injuries by Tracy Chuck PT, MSPT


Golf Biomechanics and Physical Therapy for Golf Injuries by Tracy Chuck PT, MSPT

Golf is a great activity for people to stay active and improve their health, however, the complex and asymmetrical motion of the golf swing makes injuries common. Tracy Chuck, physical therapist at Dynamic Physical Therapy, has a good understanding of the biomechanics of the golf swing to diagnose and manage injuries resulting from golf.

The golf swing is a complex motion requiring large ranges of motion from the trunk, hips, and shoulders. Injuries can occur at any point in the golf swing, from backswing to follow-through. The golf swing produces considerable mechanical forces and rotational movement of the spine. Low back injuries are the most common, often from overuse and poor swing mechanics. Golf injuries affecting the hands, elbow and shoulder are usually a result of the golf swing at impact. Improper swing mechanics and muscle imbalances can produce a greater possibility of injury.

Tracy Chuck is proficient in developing a program to help an athlete return to golf as quickly and safely as possible. The return to golf programs are designed to progressively apply forces to the healing structures for controlled return to sport and to simulate return to sport and assess patient tolerance. Proper mechanics are essential for the golfer to perform well while avoiding injury.

Tracy Chuck PT, MSPT is a physical therapist at Dynamic Physical Therapy in Palm Desert, CA.  Call 760-501-6655 to get started with her today or fill out an appointment request:

Low back pain - how Physical Therapy can help! By Dr. Zainab Kothari PT, DPT, MS


Low back pain - how Physical Therapy can help! By Dr. Zainab Kothari PT, DPT, MS

Low back pain is associated with a great deal of physical and emotional turmoil affecting people’s personal, professional and social lives. The total cost associated with low back pain in the US every year accounts to about $100 billion which is a huge burden on our medical system and economy.

Out of 100 patients suffering with low back pain, only 20 are referred to Physical Therapy. The timing of referral is also variable. There is evidence that supports early referral (within 3 days of onset) of low back pain can improve outcomes and reduce recurrences. It not only reduces health care utilization costs but also prevents patients from developing chronic and persistent low back pain in the long run.

Medicare and other insurance beneficiaries have direct access to Physical Therapy. If you have been dealing with low back pain, you do not have to wait to see a physician in order to get referred to a physical therapist. Simple exercises, and guidance and education about the condition provided by your physical therapist can help you return to your normal lifestyle.

Dr. Zainab Kothari is a physical therapist that treats low back pain at Dynamic PT in Palm Desert, CA. Call 760-501-6655 to get started with her or fill out an appointment request here: